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We look forward to welcoming you to the ASA family.

"We have worked with ASA for eight years. ASA is our first choice for group bookings. Saying this, it's important to empathises that the team is very helpful even when placing small FIT booking. We will continue to use ASA, they have become an integral partner for our business. We appreciate the professionalism and care given to each and every booking, thank you."
Inna Gardiner
Journey Boutique (Jersey)
"Keytours Vacations, a US based tour operator, has used the services of ASA for England and the UK over the last 10 years. During this time, we have enjoyed excellent service for our individual customers as well as for groups. All staff at ASA from top management to their reservations department portray a high level of professionalism."
Andreas Larentzakis
Keytours Vacations (USA)
"Our working relationship with Angela Shanley & Associates goes back to the very beginning, when the founders, Angela Shanley and Anton Thompson, agreed to work together. Over 40 years later and our relationship is as strong as ever! Their professional and friendly service with a focus on total customer satisfaction, along with their willingness to help, their loyalty and fantastic product offerings make them one of the best teams in the industry to work with. We are proud of our long association with ASA and look forward to working with this great team for at least another 40 years!"
Joanne Adolphe
Thompsons Holiday South Africa
"Hotel Le Pigonnet – Aix-en-Provence has been fruitfully working with ASA for several years now. Our collaboration runs smoothly and the guest profile is perfectly suited to our property. "
Aude Salvy-Cortes
Hotel Le Pigonet - Aix-en-Provence, France
"I have worked with ASA over 25 years. I really appreciate the fact that they pay attention to all the small details, they never say no and are always willing to help and to make sure that all the clients are happy. Personal, highly professional attention. I have a special large group that arrives in London every year (100 pax) to the same hotel, same dates. I must admit that if it was not Anak coming with his big smile to meet me and help with the group, it would not be the same!"
Varda Heinrich
Diesenhaus Ramat Hasharon (Israel)
"I have been working with ASA Ltd for many years and we have been welcoming their guests to Fonab Castle Hotel for over 2 years. We have always found the team very professional and provide excellent communication regarding their client needs and requests. ASA have been building dream trips to Scotland for some amazing clients, and some have kindly shared their experiences and glowing praise for their well-planned out itineraries and attention to detail."
Janette Napier
Fonab Castle Hotel & Spa
"We love working with the team at Angela Shanley Associates. They are super-efficient and truly lovely to work with. Their passion for service and taking excellent care of their Clients resonates strongly with our own values. They are a joy to work with!"
Joyce Arbuckle
Kingsmills Hotel
"The staff I have worked with at ASA are professional, friendly and efficient. We have worked together on several group itineraries in the past years, and we have been very happy with the quality of accommodation and ground services offered. Not only do they offer basic services like guides in London, but they can work on detailed unique itineraries. We will work with them again next season and hopefully for years to come. I highly recommend ASA for all your travel requirements."
Helen Blackwood
Blyth Education (Canada)