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We look forward to welcoming you to the ASA family.

"I have worked with ASA over 25 years. I really appreciate the fact that they pay attention to all the small details, they never say no and are always willing to help and to make sure that all the clients are happy. Personal, highly professional attention. I have a special large group that arrives in London every year (100 pax) to the same hotel, same dates. I must admit that if it was not Anak coming with his big smile to meet me and help with the group, it would not be the same!"
Varda Heinrich
Diesenhaus Ramat Hasharon (Israel)
"Hotel Le Pigonnet – Aix-en-Provence has been fruitfully working with ASA for several years now. Our collaboration runs smoothly and the guest profile is perfectly suited to our property. "
Aude Salvy-Cortes
Hotel Le Pigonet - Aix-en-Provence, France
"We have been working with Angela Shanley Associates for many years.

The A.S.A. team is absolutely great and professional. They are always very helpful and know how to keep their partner happy with their products and knowledge.

It`s a pleasure to have A.S.A. as our supplier and we are looking forward to continuing our partnership."
Carolin Loeding
FTI Touristik GmbH
"The staff I have worked with at ASA are professional, friendly and efficient. We have worked together on several group itineraries in the past years, and we have been very happy with the quality of accommodation and ground services offered. Not only do they offer basic services like guides in London, but they can work on detailed unique itineraries. We will work with them again next season and hopefully for years to come. I highly recommend ASA for all your travel requirements."
Helen Blackwood
Blyth Education (Canada)
"ASA is a key client for Blair Castle bringing us quality enquiries and bookings throughout the season.

They are quick to respond to queries and always contactable should any need arise. We thoroughly enjoy working with the team and hope to do so for many years to come.

"Jurys Inns and Leonardo Hotels values its relationship Angela Shanley Associates; they are highly professional and always a delight to work with. They have exhaustive knowledge of the travel industry and I would decidedly recommend them as a reliable business partner. We look forward to continuing this positive relationship well into the future"
Rachel Tooley
Jurys Inn & Leonardo Hotels UK and Ireland
"ASA are absolute experts in their field - they set themselves apart through their attention to detail, incredible dedication, hard work and speed of service. In looking for a DMC it is important for the company you put your faith in to really know and own their destination: ASA are never content with what they did yesterday and are always pioneering new experiences that can add value to their impressive product range. Their B2B system is efficient, easy to use and brilliantly maintained. ASA understand that our wonderful industry is about people - they gain fantastic terms for their agents by truly understanding and valuing long term relationships with their suppliers. We would have no hesitation in recommending ASA to anyone looking for a full service agency to develop their UK and Ireland programme."
Chris Pourgourides
Evan Evans
"We’ve had the extreme pleasure of being partners with ASA for several years, and would never have been able to develop and grow our business to the UK (as well as to France now, with Flying Europe) without their incredible support, superior service and comprehensive product portfolio. We rely very heavily on ASA for their outstanding destination expertise, excellent understanding of the North American market, wide range of both standard and unique products, quick response times, unparalleled customer service, and willingness to always go the extra mile for us….and on top of everything else, each and every member of their dedicated and professional team is a pleasure to work with!"
Laura DeMaio
Global Consolidated Services (GCS), USA