Inspired by the captivating lives of Archduchess Dorothea and Palatine Joseph in 19th century Budapest, Dorothea Hotel seamlessly blends the vibrant energies of a modern day metropolis with the city’s timeless splendor. Set in three grand buildings from separate eras, the hotel embarks on a journey through time to rediscover local heritage in a modern way.
The interiors including 216 rooms and suites create a world of refined contemporary luxury curated by renowned Italian mastermind, Piero Lissoni.
All the rooms reflect the building’s distinct styles and multifaceted personality with ever surprising and unconventionally elegant interiors inspired by art, design and architecture.
Dorothea features unexpected spaces to enjoy such as Pavilon’s glass covered green oasis and farm to table kitchen, Anton Bar and Deli for great coffee, tasty bites and craft cocktails; Alelí Italian osteria and BIBO Andalusian rooftop brasserie by Dani García; extensive spa with gym, a true haven to relax and revitalize; and a stylish, versatile event venue. Located in the lively heart of Budapest, Dorothea is close to iconic sights like the Parliament or Chain Bridge, business quarters and city festivities.